Ready to Fill your Books Weeks in Advance & FINALLY Make the Money You Deserve,

...WITHOUT offering discounts, working long exhausting hours, or giving up any more of your free time? 


Making a steady monthly (& growing) income behind the chair just got a whole lot easier with my proven 6-step Highly Successful Hairstylist System™

Enroll in Next Level Hairstylist Academy Today!

Pssst...Wanna know the REAL secret to success?

You didn't learn it in Beauty School.

Which of these applies to you??

»  You’re undercharging for hours of work, leaving you feeling upset, burnt out & even resentful at times.

»  You know you need to raise your prices but you're scared you’re gonna lose clients.

»  You’re frustrated when clients cancel their appointment last-minute or no show completely, leaving you with a huge gap in your day & money out of your pocket.

»  You’re living day to day financially never knowing how much your really making.

»  You know something needs to change for you to have the career you're dreaming about.

I'm gonna take a wild guess...

You didn't get in this industry to do your friend from high school & her cousin's hair for a discount the rest of thier lives,

or miss out on family dinners, weekend bbqs or trips with friends,

or hustle your bootay off just to make ends meet...




OVER $7,000+ EVERY YEAR in cancellations & no shows?!


That's an extra $14,000 a year!

What would you do with an extra $14k?!

(Can you say, trip to Hawaii...bring on the sunshine & fruity drinks with umbrellas!🍹)

Ready to make consistent $5k, $8k & even $10k+ months behind the chair? ✂️



   Work your DREAM schedule and never have to miss out on family dinners & weekend events...

   Maximize your days at the salon, no more gaps in your day...

   Say goodbye to LONG exhausting days, no more staying late to ‘squeeze’ clients in or coming in on your days off...

   Have the confidence to charge clients big bucks for your specialty service, no more discounting...

   Have financial freedom so you don't have to worry about paying bills every month...

...How would this change your life?


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I'm here to tell ya...

This is totally possible for You!

  There IS A WAY to easily increase your profits & productivity, aka make more & work less.

  There IS A WAY to have the career you've been dreaming of & become one of the elite top 5% in the industry.

  There IS A WAY to make all of this possible & faster than you think!

I've helped hundreds of hairstylists & beauty pros learn the skills, strategies & tools to build a thriving business so they can live a happy, wealthy & fulfilling life doing what they LOVE!


It took me YEARS of trial & error, (time won't ever get back), to get the right systems & strategies in place and finally become the 'in-demand stylist' I was dreaming of.

I get it're ready NOW to start seeing results & don’t have the time to figure it ALL out on your own. 

That's why I’ve created a shortcut for you teaching the key steps to building the solid foundation you need to have the highly successful career you're dreaming of!

I N T R O D U C I N G . . .

Next Level Hairstylist Academy™

Learn how to fill your books with your dream clients, make the money you deserve & be the in-demand stylist in your area

without offering discounts, work long exhausting hours or give up any more of your free-time.
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Next Level Hairstylist Academy™ is designed to take you by the hand so you can get in the driver seat of your business to make the money YOU deserve!

Yes, I need this!

Once you're enrolled you get access to the step-by-step training & expert support you need to have a highly successful career behind the chair,

So you can finally get in the driver seat of your business, attract your dream clients & make the money you deserve without having to hustle or work long exhausting hours.

After enrolling in NEXT LEVEL HAIRSTYLIST ACADEMY™ you'll:

How to fill the gaps in your days so you can MAXIMIZE your income & time at the salon

  Know how & when to raise your prices so you can make the money you deserve

Know how to streamline communication with your clients saving you so much time

How to achieve a better work-life balance so you can stop feeling so overwhelmed trying to juggle it all

 Confidently charge for premium services so you can stop feeling overworked & underpaid

Know exactly how much you’re making behind the chair so you can have a steady income & financial stability

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Once enrolled you'll get Access to the proven 6-step framework,

The Highly Successful Hairstylist System™

(Valued $8997+)
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Here’s what’s inside: 

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Mapping Your Vision + Success Roadmap

If you've got BIG dreams, but not sure where to start...this one is for YOU! This is the KEY to turning your dreams into reality!

  • Gain CLARITY in your own unique Vision for your Career + Season of Life.
  • Plan the Exact steps you need to take to achieve your Goals
  • Discover what truly motivates you so you can stay on track & take action!
  • Learn my 'Goal-getter Method' for crushing your goals faster than you ever have before!

The Fast-track to Financial Freedom

Did you get into this industry to make good money? It's time to make the money you deserve & it ALL starts here.

  • Learn how to properly charge for your services with "The Perfect Pricing Formula"
  • Learn how to MAXIMIZE your income & increasing your profit
  • Templates to track your daily, monthly & annually numbers
  • Done for you, MUST HAVE policies with copy & paste verbiage 
  • Know How & When to raise your prices & how to tell your clients stress free!
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Attract your Ultimate Dream Clients

The quickest & easiest way to create a professional looking brand & style that attracts your dream clients in your chair.

  • Learn how to attract your DREAM CLIENTS in your chair
  • How to fill your books 4-6 weeks in advance!
  • Discover the simple steps to become the "In-Demand" stylist!
  • The 4 key elements you need on every platform
  • How to build a professional website without being a tech wizard

Turn your Guests into Loyal, Raving Clients

Take your client experience to a next level with these simple yet powerful strategies that fill your books with loyal, raving clients about you!

  • Learn the easiest & most efficient & professional way to communicate with clients
  • Scripts for communicating effectively, saving you time!
  • How to elevate client experience to the next level, that has clients coming back for more!
  • How to get yourself noticed & stand out from the crowd
  • Learn my 'Full Circle Referral Method' that actually makes YOU money, no discounting required.
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Become the go-to Expert

Become known as the go-to expert so you can charge premium prices for your favorite services WITHOUT needing years of experience.

  • Be the go-to Expert in your area
  • How get paid the big money for doing your favorite services
  • The key to sharpening your skills & craft to become a master
  • How & when it's time to pivot your Specialty Services

Mindset for Success

Discover roadblocks that are holding you back & learn how to get them out of your way so you can reach your highest potential.

  • How to overcome the fears that are holding you back from your true potential
  • From overwhelmed to stress-free, there's a better way to get things done
  • Learn the key steps to achieve a better Work-Life Balance
  • Find limitless opportunities in your career with a growth mindset
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Plus you'll also get access to:

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Worksheets +Templates

These downloadable easy to use worksheets & templates are to help guide you as you move through the program. These documents are there to help support you & keep you on track.


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Copy & Paste Verbiage

Get the EXACT verbiage I’ve used with my clients, from cancellation policies to price increases, just copy & paste.

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Daily & Monthly Financial Tracking Sheets

These simple to use tracking sheets, just for hairstylsits, that will help you evaluate your business performance & discover areas of growth.


Yes I need this!

What stylists are sayin'...

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"I finally feel like I have control over my business & my family life. This has been LIFE CHANGING!

-Calandra Zebro, Salon Owner & Hairstylist

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"Since joining Next Level my income has TRIPLED & I am finally opening my DREAM salon!"

-Ashley Korolchuk, Salon Owner & Hairstylist

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“Next Level has given me the confidence to raise my prices MORE than originally planned. I feel more empowered, confident, and all around happy since taking this program.”

-Amy Lee, Suite Owner




These 6 core lessons will completely transform the way you approach your business. But that's only the beginning.

When you enroll in Next Level Hairstylist Academy, you also get some AMAZING BONUSES to make your progress even faster & your success even easier. 

Starting with...

The Bonus Bundle

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The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner

Step into the role of CEO to take your business to the Next Level. Use this digital planner to get organized in your business so you can focus on the most important tasks you need to do & get more done. You'll save time with this helpful tool & can use it year after year in your business. (Value $197+)


The Perfect Pricing Calculator

Meet your new bff!
This calculator is easy to use & is your new secret weapon to properly pricing your services so you can confidently charge clients, make the money you truly deserve & even plan out your next price increase!  
(Value $297+)

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The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Training & Spreadsheet 

Increase your Profits + put more money in your pocket with this training!

Quickly & Easily track both your business & personal budgets. Track your income & expenses to know how much your making each month & get control of your spending so you can MAXIMIZE your profit!  (Value $197+)

Bonus #4

The Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker

Work SMARTER not Harder with this MUST-HAVE tool! Use this spreadsheet to track your daily numbers to find out how your business is actually performing...AND even project your annual income!  (Value $597+)

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Your go-to place for support, feedback, accountability & community to truly help you simplify the 'business side of things' + take your career to the Next Level! 

I know that was a lot, So Let's Recap!

When you enroll Next Level Hairstylist Academy you get access to the 6 core training modules -- videos, exercises & worksheets, that transform your business into the career you've been dreaming of ($8997+ Value)



►  Worksheets, Templates & Copy & Paste Verbiage ($247 Value)

  Financial Performance Sheets ($197 value)

BONUS #1: The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner ($197 Value)  

 BONUS #2: The Perfect Pricing Calculator ($297 value)

► BONUS #3: The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Spreadsheet ($197 value)

 BONUS #4:  Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker ($597 Value)

► Plus... an Exclusive Invite to NL Insiders Alumni Community!

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When you add that all up, it comes out to real-world value of over $9,997+!


 But because I'm super excited to welcome you into Next Level Hairstylist Academy, I'm giving you the opportunity to join today for a special investment of just...

6x Payments


6x Monthly Payments

  • The Highly Successful Hairstylist System (Lifetime Access)
  • Worksheets, Templates & Copy & Paste Verbiage ($247 Value)

  • Financial Performance Sheets ($197 value)

  • BONUS #1: The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner ($197 Value)

  • BONUS #2: The Perfect Pricing Calculator ($297 value)
  • BONUS #3: The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Spreadsheet ($197 value)
  • BONUS #4: Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker ($597 Value)

  • Plus... an Exclusive Invite to NL Insiders Alumni Community!





  • The Highly Successful Hairstylist System (Lifetime Access)
  • Worksheets, Templates & Copy & Paste Verbiage ($247 Value)

  • Financial Performance Sheets ($197 value)

  • BONUS #1: The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner ($197 Value)

  • BONUS #2: The Perfect Pricing Calculator ($297 value)
  • BONUS #3: The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Spreadsheet ($197 value)
  • BONUS #4: Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker ($597 Value)

  • Plus... an Exclusive Invite to NL Insiders Alumni Community!

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What makes Next Level Hairstylist Academy™ different from other programs?


✔  It's a fresh & modern approach with real-life strategies that work for the modern day hairstylist. Made by a Hairstylist for Hairstylists.

✔  It's filled with quick & easy strategies to implement right away to see results faster

✔  With my "Perfect Pricing Formula" you will increase confidence when it comes to charging clients for services (especially the high-ticket ones)

✔  It will teach you time-saving techniques to efficiently communicate with clients so you can actually be ‘off’ on your on days off

✔  You'll get access to the EXACT templates & verbiage I’ve used with my clients, from cancellation policies to price increases, just copy & paste

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The Next Level Promise

This program has the power to profoundly change your life. That’s not hype - that’s based on results from past students who stayed in action.

I'm confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. I back that with The Next Level Promise & it's exactly why we offer a RISK-FREE Money back guarantee! 

If for any reason you decide this isn’t for you, simply send an email to [email protected] within 30 days, showing your completed work & evidence of your action and I’ll refund every penny of your investment!


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Hey there, I'm Kim!

I'm an award-winning Hairstylist, Wife & Momma with one mission! I'm dedicated to helping Hairstylists create a THRIVING business so they can live a happy, wealthy & fulfilling life doing what they LOVE!

Being a busy mom, I am ALL about finding ways to be more efficient with my time so I can have more time with my family.

Over the years of being a self-employed hairstylist I found myself completely struggling to confidently charge clients, fill gaps in my day & create a steady income, until one year changed it ALL! In less than one year, I was able to DOUBLE my income all while working less! $$$ & now I'm here to share how I did it with YOU!

If I can do can YOU!

Yes, I'm ready to join!
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"Kimberly is AMAZING, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, innovative & an incredible presenter! Highly recommend!!"

Sydney Berry, President Board of Directors Professional Beauty Association 

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Which of these results would you like to have?

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"I went from making $6K per month behind the chair to making $10K+ in less than 6 months!"

-Shelley White, Salon Owner

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"I now confidently charge clients & have watched my income increase in just a couple months! I am also working less hours & crushing all my goals!”

-Victoria Carlson, Hairstylist

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"I’m happier, making more money, working less & home in time for dinner every night."
She more than TRIPLED her income in 12 months!

-Sara Sclafani, Suite Owner


This Program is PERFECT for you if…
  • You're a passionate hairstylist or beauty professional who's ready to make more & work less.
  • You’re ready to start making consistent $4k, $5k & even $10k+ months, behind the chair.
  • You want to learn from someone who's been where you are & understands what it REALLY takes.
  • You’ve tired of hustling month after month & are ready to have a better work-life balance.
  • You are head-over-heels IN LOVE with what you do, but know without making some changes you're headed to burnout. (Or maybe you’re already there?!) 

If you've made it this far,

You owe this to yourself…

To honestly answer these questions:


What if just one idea in Next Level Hairstylist Academy…

Helps you increase your profit behind the chair? Or helps you find relief from feeling overwhelmed, overworked & underpaid.


What if just one strategy in Next Level Hairstylist Academy

Helps you from losing THOUSANDS of dollars every year, how would that affect your life long term?


What if one technique in Next Level Hairstylist Academy

Helps you free up HOURS each week? How would that impact your family, relationships, life?


There has never been a better time to be a part of the beauty industry.


Your future is up to YOU, you just have to make the choice.


Are you ready have the successful career you've been dreaming about

or stay stuck in the daily grind never finding your true potential?


The choice is yours.
But you'll want to hurry, the doors are closing soon for NEXT LEVEL HAIRSTYLIST ACADEMY.

6x Payments


6x Monthly Payments

  • The Highly Successful Hairstylist System (Lifetime Access)
  • Worksheets, Templates & Copy & Paste Verbiage ($247 Value)

  • Financial Performance Sheets ($197 value)

  • BONUS #1: The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner ($197 Value)

  • BONUS #2: The Perfect Pricing Calculator ($297 value)
  • BONUS #3: The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Spreadsheet ($197 value)
  • BONUS #4: Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker ($597 Value)

  • Plus... an Exclusive Invite to NL Insiders Alumni Community!





  • The Highly Successful Hairstylist System (Lifetime Access)
  • Worksheets, Templates & Copy & Paste Verbiage ($247 Value)

  • Financial Performance Sheets ($197 value)

  • BONUS #1: The CEO Stylist Strategy Planner ($197 Value)

  • BONUS #2: The Perfect Pricing Calculator ($297 value)
  • BONUS #3: The Successful Hairstylist's Budgeting Spreadsheet ($197 value)
  • BONUS #4: Highly Successful Hairstylist's Financial Tracker ($597 Value)

  • Plus... an Exclusive Invite to NL Insiders Alumni Community!


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Sign me up!